Three Phase Simplex Demand WS3P-TP Pump Control Panel
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The WS Series® three phase simplex control panel will control a 208/240/480V three phase pump in sewage pump chambers, sump pump basins, and lift stations. See Water simplex control panels come standard with a clear front NEMA 4X rated enclosure, an IEC rated contactor, and a motor protective switch. All panels are UL listed for the United States and Canada, and come standard with a five-year warranty.
Model | Voltage | Full Load Amps |
WS3P-TP-3001 | 208/240/480 | 1.0-1.6 |
WS3P-TP-3002 | 208/240/480 | 1.6-2.5 |
WS3P-TP-3003 | 208/240/480 | 2.5-4.0 |
WS3P-TP-3004 | 208/240/480 | 4.0-6.3 |
WS3P-TP-3005 | 208/240/480 | 6.0-10.0 |
WS3P-TP-3006 | 208/240/480 | 9.0-14.0 |
WS3P-TP-3007 | 208/240/480 | 13.0-18.0 |
WS3P-TP-3008 | 208/240/480 | 17.0-23.0 |
WS3P-TP-3009 | 208/240/480 | 20.0-25.0 |
WS3P-TP-3010 | 208/240/480 | 24.0-32.0 |
WS3P-TP-3011 | 208/240/480 | 30.0-40.0 |
WS3P-TP-3012 | 208/240/480 | 37.0-50.0 |
WS3P-TP-3013 | 208/240/480 | 48.0-65.0 |
WS3P-TP-3014 | 208/240/480 | 65.0-115.0 |
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- UL listed for the United States and Canada (panel and controls)
- Indoor/Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure: Heavy duty polycarbonate with stainless steel lockable latches
- Pump control visible indicators: Pump hand-off-auto (H.O.A.) switch, green Pump Run light, red Pump Fault light with reset button, and Power On light
- Alarm visible indicators: Red beacon alarm light, alarm test and silence buttons
- Alarm horn sounds at 85 decibels at 10 feet
- Remote monitoring by dry contacts: High Liquid, Pump Fault, Pump Run
- Upgraded pump protection: Motor protective switch (branch circuit protection, adjustable overload and disconnect) and a thermal cutout with indicator
- Sewage pump chambers
- Grinder pumps
- Sump pump basins
- Lift stations
Custom Options
- 24 = Pump Exerciser
- 28 = Power On Dry Contact (Normally Open)
- 3R = Painted Steel Enclosure
- AF = Alarm Flasher
- AH = Anti Condensation Heater
- C = Additional Cord Length Per Foot Per Component*
- CC = Cycle Counter w/ LCD Display and Reset
- CO = Convenience Outlet (User to supply 120 VAC)
- ET = Elapsed Time Meter w/ LCD Display and Reset
- GR = Generator Receptacle, Includes Transfer Switch
- IS = Intrinsically Safe
- LAD/LAW = Lightning Secondary Surge Arrestor (LAD Delta / LAW Wye)
- LL = Low Level Alarm
- MD = Main Disconnect; Up to 100 FLA
- MD2 = Main Disconnect; 100 to 230 FLA
- PM = Phase Monitoring
- PX = Pump Portal® Wireless Remote Communication
- SF = Seal Failure Circuit w/ Indicator Light
- S3 = No Floats Option
- SS4 = Upgraded Enclosure (304 Stainless Steel)
- SS6 = Upgraded Enclosure (316 Stainless Steel)
*Additional cord length greater than 20’: Specify after C. Example: (WS3P-TP-3001-C50) Indicates 50’ cord lengths for all floats.